"""Class for plugins in HACS.""" from __future__ import annotations from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from ..enums import HacsCategory, HacsDispatchEvent from ..exceptions import HacsException from ..utils.decorator import concurrent from ..utils.json import json_loads from .base import HacsRepository if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..base import HacsBase class HacsPluginRepository(HacsRepository): """Plugins in HACS.""" def __init__(self, hacs: HacsBase, full_name: str): """Initialize.""" super().__init__(hacs=hacs) self.data.full_name = full_name self.data.full_name_lower = full_name.lower() self.data.file_name = None self.data.category = HacsCategory.PLUGIN self.content.path.local = self.localpath @property def localpath(self): """Return localpath.""" return f"{self.hacs.core.config_path}/www/community/{self.data.full_name.split('/')[-1]}" async def validate_repository(self): """Validate.""" # Run common validation steps. await self.common_validate() # Custom step 1: Validate content. self.update_filenames() if self.content.path.remote is None: raise HacsException( f"{self.string} Repository structure for {self.ref.replace('tags/','')} is not compliant" ) if self.content.path.remote == "release": self.content.single = True # Handle potential errors if self.validate.errors: for error in self.validate.errors: if not self.hacs.status.startup: self.logger.error("%s %s", self.string, error) return self.validate.success async def async_post_installation(self): """Run post installation steps.""" self.hacs.async_setup_frontend_endpoint_plugin() @concurrent(concurrenttasks=10, backoff_time=5) async def update_repository(self, ignore_issues=False, force=False): """Update.""" if not await self.common_update(ignore_issues, force) and not force: return # Get plugin objects. self.update_filenames() if self.content.path.remote is None: self.validate.errors.append( f"{self.string} Repository structure for {self.ref.replace('tags/','')} is not compliant" ) if self.content.path.remote == "release": self.content.single = True # Signal entities to refresh if self.data.installed: self.hacs.async_dispatch( HacsDispatchEvent.REPOSITORY, { "id": 1337, "action": "update", "repository": self.data.full_name, "repository_id": self.data.id, }, ) async def get_package_content(self): """Get package content.""" try: package = await self.repository_object.get_contents("package.json", self.ref) package = json_loads(package.content) if package: self.data.authors = package["author"] except BaseException: # lgtm [py/catch-base-exception] pylint: disable=broad-except pass def update_filenames(self) -> None: """Get the filename to target.""" # Handler for plug requirement 3 if self.repository_manifest.filename: valid_filenames = (self.repository_manifest.filename,) else: valid_filenames = ( f"{self.data.name.replace('lovelace-', '')}.js", f"{self.data.name}.js", f"{self.data.name}.umd.js", f"{self.data.name}-bundle.js", ) if not self.repository_manifest.content_in_root: if self.releases.objects: release = self.releases.objects[0] if release.assets: if assetnames := [ filename for filename in valid_filenames for asset in release.assets if filename == asset.name ]: self.data.file_name = assetnames[0] self.content.path.remote = "release" return for location in ("",) if self.repository_manifest.content_in_root else ("dist", ""): for filename in valid_filenames: if f"{location+'/' if location else ''}{filename}" in [ x.full_path for x in self.tree ]: self.data.file_name = filename.split("/")[-1] self.content.path.remote = location break