import logging from sqlalchemy import inspect, text, Text from .models import LTSS, LTSS_attributes_index, LTSS_entityid_time_composite_index _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def check_and_migrate(engine): # Inspect the DB iengine = inspect(engine) columns = iengine.get_columns(LTSS.__tablename__) indexes = iengine.get_indexes(LTSS.__tablename__) def index_exists(index_name): matches = [idx for idx in indexes if idx["name"] == index_name] return True if matches else False # Attributes column Text -> JSONB attributes_column = next(col for col in columns if col["name"] == "attributes") if isinstance(attributes_column["type"], Text): _LOGGER.warning( "Migrating you LTSS table to the latest schema, this might take a couple of minutes!" ) migrate_attributes_text_to_jsonb(engine)"Migration completed successfully!") # Attributes Index? if not index_exists("ltss_attributes_idx"): _LOGGER.warning( "Creating an index for the attributes column, this might take a couple of minutes!" ) create_attributes_index(engine)"Index created successfully!") # entity_id and time composite Index? if not index_exists("ltss_entityid_time_composite_idx"): _LOGGER.warning( "Creating a composite index over entity_id and time columns, this might take a couple of minutes!" ) create_entityid_time_index(engine)"Index created successfully!") if index_exists("ix_ltss_entity_id"): _LOGGER.warning("Index on entity_id no longer needed, dropping...") drop_entityid_index(engine) # id column? if any(col["name"] == "id" for col in columns): _LOGGER.warning( "Migrating you LTSS table to the latest schema, this might take a couple of minutes!" ) remove_id_column(engine) def migrate_attributes_text_to_jsonb(engine): with engine.connect() as con:"Migrating attributes column from type text to type JSONB") con.execute( text( f"""ALTER TABLE {LTSS.__tablename__} ALTER COLUMN attributes TYPE JSONB USING attributes::JSONB;""" ).execution_options(autocommit=True) ) def create_attributes_index(engine):"Creating GIN index on the attributes column") LTSS_attributes_index.create(bind=engine) def create_entityid_time_index(engine):"Creating composite index over entity_id and time columns") LTSS_entityid_time_composite_index.create(bind=engine) def drop_entityid_index(engine): with engine.connect() as con: con.execute( text(f"""DROP INDEX ix_ltss_entity_id;""").execution_options( autocommit=True ) ) def remove_id_column(engine): with engine.begin() as con: con.execute( text( f"""ALTER TABLE {LTSS.__tablename__} DROP CONSTRAINT {LTSS.__tablename__}_pkey CASCADE, ADD PRIMARY KEY(time,entity_id);""" ) ) con.execute( text( f"""ALTER TABLE {LTSS.__tablename__} DROP COLUMN id""" ) ) con.commit()"Migration completed successfully!")