{ "config": { "flow_title": "Remote: {name}", "step": { "user": { "title": "Select installation type", "description": "The remote node is the instance on which the states are gathered from" }, "connection_details": { "title": "Connection details", "data": { "host": "Host", "port": "Port", "secure": "Secure", "verify_ssl": "Verify SSL", "access_token": "Access token", "max_message_size": "Maximum Message Size" } } }, "error": { "api_problem": "Bad response from server", "cannot_connect": "Failed to connect to server", "invalid_auth": "Invalid credentials", "unsupported_version": "Unsupported version. At least version 0.111 is required.", "unknown": "An unknown error occurred", "missing_endpoint": "You need to install Remote Home Assistant on this host and add remote_homeassistant: to its configuration." }, "abort": { "already_configured": "Already configured" } }, "state": { "_": { "disconnected": "Disconnected", "connecting": "Connecting", "connected": "Connected", "reconnecting": "Re-connecting", "auth_invalid": "Invalid access token", "auth_required": "Authentication Required" } }, "options": { "step": { "init": { "title": "Basic Options (step 1/4)", "data": { "entity_prefix": "Entity prefix (optional)", "load_components": "Load component (if not loaded)", "service_prefix": "Service prefix", "services": "Remote Services" } }, "domain_entity_filters": { "title": "Domain and entity filters (step 2/4)", "data": { "include_domains": "Include domains", "include_entities": "Include entities", "exclude_domains": "Exclude domains", "exclude_entities": "Exclude entities" } }, "general_filters": { "title": "Filters (step 3/4)", "description": "Add a new filter by specifying `Entity ID`, one or more filter attributes and press `Submit`. Remove existing filters by unticking them in `Filters`.\n\nLeave `Entity ID` empty and press `Submit` to make no further changes.", "data": { "filter": "Filters", "entity_id": "Entity ID", "unit_of_measurement": "Unit of measurement", "above": "Above", "below": "Below" } }, "events": { "title": "Subscribed events (step 4/4)", "description": "Add a new subscribed event by entering its name in `Add new event` and press `Submit`. Remove existing events by unticking them in `Events`.\n\nLeave `Add new event` and press `Submit` to make no further changes.", "data": { "subscribe_events": "Events", "add_new_event": "Add new event" } } }, "abort": { "not_supported": "No configuration options supported for a remote node" } } }