Here’s a basic `` file for a NiceGUI template project for the UGA Innovation Factory's standardized web presence theming: ```markdown # UGA Innovation Factory Web Presence Theming This is a NiceGUI template project designed to provide a standardized web presence theming for the UGA Innovation Factory. ## Requirements - [Conda]( - Make sure you have Conda installed on your system. - `environment.yaml` - This file contains all necessary dependencies for the project. ## Setup Instructions ### 1. Clone the Repository First, clone the project repository to your local machine: ```bash git clone cd ``` ### 2. Create and Activate the Conda Environment Use Conda to create the `web-demo` environment using the `environment.yaml` file: ```bash conda env create -f environment.yaml ``` Once the environment is created, activate it: ```bash conda activate web-demo ``` ### 3. Run the Project To run the NiceGUI web project, use the following command: ```bash python ``` Once the server is running, open your browser and go to the following URL: ``` http://localhost:8080 ``` ### 4. Deactivating the Environment When you are done working with the project, deactivate the Conda environment with: ```bash conda deactivate ``` ## Contributing Feel free to submit issues or pull requests if you find any bugs or want to add new features. --- © 2024 UGA Innovation Factory ``` This file provides clear instructions on how to set up the project, create and activate the `web-demo` environment, and run the project using NiceGUI.